3-3-17  (Week 3, Day 3, Year 17)

PSALM 53 DENUNCIATION OF GODLESSNESS  (Similar to Psalm 14) “For the director of music. For mahalath. A maskil of David.

CONDEMNATION OF FOOLISH EVILDOERS-“A doublet of Psalm 14, with major divergence from Psalm 14 only in verse 5,… In verses 2,4,and 6 God replaces LORD.”4

As I write this, the midterm elections have ended.  Many results are not in.  The Congress is divided equally.  The House will be Republican and the Senate will be Democratic.  To use Jon Meacham’s words our nation is in a time of “profound polarization, passionate disagreement, and differing understanding of reality.”  I believe the United States’ purpose as God directs is to seek justice as a moral right of equality.  Psalm 14 and Psalm 53 are almost identical and are statements which speak to the polity of how human beings are to be governed.  The first verse “The fools say in their hearts; there is no God” points to the lack of a moral compass in any society.  God has been replaced in human life in this world with persons who desire to be their own god.  In short we live in a society, a nation, a world that has made an idol of self.  We suffer from idolatry. 

The Hebrew word for fool is nabal.  It also means wicked.  Robert Alter translates nabal as scoundrel.  Is the United States governing bodies, all three branches full of scoundrels?  This is a bold statement, hopefully it is wrong.  I would like to think the leaders of the United States and even the nations of the world are not scoundrels. 

Artur Weiser in his comments on Psalm 14 speaks of the fool (scoundrel or evildoer) as one who ignores the reality of God.  “Nobody can flee from the reality of God (Weiser, p.165).”  All will answer to God.  The reality of God cannot be ignored.  There will be a reversal of the situation.  God will restore Israel and now in the twenty-first century, God will restore the people of God who then will rejoice.


MATTHEW 17: 1-8 THE TRANSFIGURATION- JESUS’ APPEARANCE IS CHANGED.  God speaks here and at the Baptism of Jesus: “This is my beloved Son…”

The transfiguration is a complex narrative causing some modern readers to dismiss its significance.  Many believe Jesus was a preacher and prophet who healed, but was not divine.  He suffered as he clashed with the Jewish Religious Leaders who conspired with the Roman officials to crucify him.  Through the eyes of faith the Church and followers of Jesus as the Jewish Messiah and Son of God understand the transfiguration as “the proof” of his Lordship as the beloved Son of God.  I believe that this is how we will “see” Jesus in our afterlife in Heaven when we will be with God.  Peter seeks to elevate Jesus above Moses and Elijah who are two prophets who were taken to be with God.  Is Peter seeking to avoid the suffering and crucifixion of Jesus?  Matthew relates two important truths about Jesus: he is the beloved son of God and he needs to be listened to.  The “word of Christ (Colossians 3:16)” is the authoritative word of God calling Christians to obey.

MATTHEW 17: 9-13 THE IMPORTANCE OF JOHN THE BAPTIST.  Just as John the Baptist suffered so Jesus will suffer.  John the Baptist is the announcer of the Messiah, the second Elijah.

MATTHEW 17: 14-21 FAITH AND ACTS OF POWER.  JESUS HEALS A BOY WHO HAD A DEMON. The frustration of Jesus is toward the Jewish people who do not believe in the power of God to heal.  The faith of the disciples is weak but it exists.  This is the fifth time the disciples are accused of having little faith (6:30, 8:26, 14:31, 16:8, and 17:20).  Is this the indictmefnt upon me and my generation?  I am a disciple with little faith.


MATTHEW 17: 24-27 THE QUESTION OF TAXES JESUS PAYS THE TEMPLE TAX-Jesus will give us the resources to pay our taxes.


GENESIS 33:1-17 PARTIAL REUNION WITH ESAU.  JACOB METS ESAU.  The meeting between Jacob and Esau produces a great surprise as Jacob’s fear of violence from Esau toward him turns to loving acceptance.  Jacob divides his family into two groups hoping to save one of them if Esau attacks.  Esau has become a great leader as a ruler over a large group of people.  Esau greets Jacob with an embrace and Jacob offers restitution for stealing his birthright.  Esau refuses Jacob’s gift indicating his wealth is sufficient.

GENESIS 33: 18-20 THE STAY IN SHECHEM.  Salem is the name meaning peace or wholeness.  Salem and Shechem ae very close in meaning.  The name used for God: El-elohei-Israel literally means El God of Israel.

GENESIS 34: 1-31 THE RAPE OF DINAH.  SIMEON AND LEVI KILL THE MEN OF SHECHEM – This is a very perverse and difficult story.  This narrative concerns Dinah’s rape and the sons of Israel murdering the mean of  Hamor.  The demand for circumcision serves two purposes.  One to trick the mean into thinking they will be included in the covenant with Israel.  The second is go “wound” the mean who cannot fight as they heal.  The revenge for Dinah’s rape is now completed.  This act of murder is lamented by Jacob and tends to be the beginning of his end.